The Executive's Red, #1 Read online

Page 8

  The doors part into the garage beneath The Shard. He’s there, leaning against the hood of a brand new black and chrome Land Rover, swinging his keys on his forefinger. He’s beaming a sinful sexy grin at me.

  I step out onto the concrete. My legs are heavy, like I’m walking through mud. The elevator doors slide shut on Sara, and now it’s just me and him down here, alone. He’s ogling me with his intense ray, but at the same time he’s being so distant. Does he not get it? I told him the need is mutual.

  Perhaps it’s me. Jeez, maybe beneath this unsexed shell, I’m a whore. I don’t want to be loose loving. I’ve never been that way inclined. But he’s changing my ideals. It’s all I can think about when it comes to him.

  He walks to the passenger side. I stare at the fit of his jeans, the perfect taper of his waist, eyeing right up to his agile shoulder-blades. My pulse is rising, booming, and dropping beats.

  He opens the door for me and I lower my head to step into the car.

  “Elizabeth.” His fingers curl around my bicep to stop me as I nervously peer up to him. “Now you get your kiss.”

  With velocity he draws me into his hips so his crotch is pressing against mine. The excitement bursts in my belly, fizzing up into my throat. I sigh with triumph as he presses his lips on mine, aggressively. I place my hands against his clean shaven soft face, as his fingers run up my spine to twine around the side of my neck. Fuck, his scent is driving me nuts.

  I breathe into his mouth. A pure pent up I want you now breath. His supple cool lips fiercely make a move down, thrusting the base of my neckline back. And as his fingers fumble through my locks, I find myself pulling at his hair. His mouth travels hungrily back up to my cheek as I claw at his toned neck. Holy shit, this kiss is ethereal.

  I want you right now Mr Knight. Just push me into that seat or over the bonnet. I now don’t care if I’m loose loving.

  He nuzzles my nose, his dilated pupils piercing through mine. He pulls away from me and I bite my lip, hard.

  “We don’t do biting, Elizabeth.”

  Why the hell not? Okay, maybe biting is a bit aggressive. But Mr Knight, I’m biting myself because you won’t give me what I want. I feel like throwing a tantrum. Stomping my feet until I get my way. This is terrible. I have no restraint around him at all.

  “I’m going to take you home now, Elizabeth.” He holds my cheek briefly as I purr like a wild cat. “Sara will pick you up at six p.m. and take you to McQueen’s.”

  McQueen’s. Did he just say McQueen’s? The shop I can’t even afford to glance in the window, McQueen’s.

  “You will have a selection of dresses to choose from that I see as suitable?” He adjusts his jeans to accommodate the bulge he should be using on me.

  Okay, he’s telling me, well buying me something to wear that he sees as suitable. That kiss has clearly affected my ability to think straight, because that’s just a tad weird. I swoon and exhale.

  “You need to be presentable.” He glances down at Cate’s dress.

  Liz, wake up! You’re being gullible.

  I cough. “For what exactly?” I struggle to say even that. “I have clothes of my own.”

  He smiles and slants his head. “I would like you to meet some of my very close friends.” Oh shit. “I’ve arrange for some of my colleagues to come for drinks this evening, and would like you to accompany me.”

  “So, it’s just business?” I don’t like all this formalness.

  “It won’t take long.” His fingers knead my bicep then release. “Then I’m all yours.” Well that sounds much more appealing.

  I slip down into the cream leather interior, pulling over the seatbelt. I watch as he moves to the driver’s side, touching my lips for a second as he buckles up. I’m still sensing how wet that kiss has made me.

  He accelerates up the ramp to emerge out onto the street, pressing a paddle on the steering wheel so music sounds through the speakers. I find myself completely mesmerised by him doing these very simple tasks.

  He catches me staring. “Do you like this?”

  “Sorry?” I hum.

  “The music?”

  “Oh.” I sigh.

  “Good group. Maybe I’ll take you to see them.” He checks the way is clear, then turns left at the junction.

  I actually love the group playing. I have them on my iPod and listen to them on my way to work.

  “Yeah, one of my favourites at the moment,” I reply. “But it changes a lot. Not that I’ll stop liking them, just... hmm.” I zip my mouth shut because I can hear myself prattling.

  “I understand. Moods change. New comes along.”

  All I can do is hum to agree. Talking is now off the agenda. A timeout is what I need. The brain cells that have shrivelled away due to that kiss, need recharging.

  We pull up outside my apartment building. He angles his head to look up at the grey clad tower block. It’s not what he’s accustom to, but it’s home to me.

  “So until tonight then,” he says.

  Is he not going to kiss me again; not even a peck on the cheek?

  I discreetly sulk and turn to the door. He grabs my hand and I keenly look to him. He leans over the handbrake and delicately lies his lips on my knuckles. He angles back with a hot devious grin.

  “Tonight,” he emphasises.

  I step out onto the curb, concentrating on not slamming the door in frustration. He said tonight, so I guess I’m just going to have to wait.

  Chapter 8


  Cate stands in the doorway in her purple dressing gown, as I stroll on air down the beige corridor. This fantastic high I’m on begins to diminish quickly, knowing that I’m in for an unwanted lecture. She leans against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest. My eyes lower like a naughty child, looking at the brown carpet beneath my feet to avoid her peeved view on me. I wait for her to move out of my way, but she refuses to budge.

  “What!” I push by her and march into the kitchen.

  She growls, slamming the door. “What... what!” she squeals.

  I pull a carton of fresh orange out from the fridge, and pour myself a glass.

  “Did he hurt you... what the hell happened?” She taps her foot impatiently.

  I take a sip, looking over the glass. “Nope.” I suck the tangy orange flavour from my lips, trying not to give a thing away.

  “Oh shit, you slept with him didn’t you?”


  “Well something happened.” She moves closer, brushing her hand over the edge of the worktop. “He called me at four this morning.” Her tone strains high. “Tells me you’re in safe hands all creepy like. I thought, yeah, safe hands my ass.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No you’re not. You’ve been brainwashed or something.” She prods my arm. “Look, you’re all mushy and warm.” I laugh at her. “It’s not funny Liz. It’s all good going out and having a drink, but Nathan told me you passed-out. He’s so mad with you.”

  I grumble under my breath. Mad with me. He was the one too busy snogging Sara’s face off to notice where, or who I was with.

  “Well, he has no right to be,” I snap. “Look, I had a really bad day yesterday. Mr Knight was a gentleman. I admit, I was a total wreck, and I’ll never let myself get like that again. So just leave it now.”

  Suddenly she grabs and squeezes my shoulders. “I’ve told you about looking after yourself.” She mothers me. “Bet you didn’t even take your pepper spray did you?”

  She brought me home a small can of pepper spray, after she attended mandatory self-defence classes at work. She has actually used it. We were dancing in Monroe’s nightclub, when some guy grabbed her butt. It must have been that time of month for her because she lost it. She sprayed the guy in his face, and nearly blinded him.

  I pull away from her and finish my juice, in need of the vitamin C.

  “So, he’s a gentlemen hmm. Where did he take you then?”

  This is what she does, dig and
dig until she’s satisfied with the information. I prepare my ears for the shrill.

  “The Shard,” I quietly say.

  Her eyelids expand. “The Shard!” And there’s the shrill.

  “The sixty-third floor. The penthouse suite.” I try not to smile.

  “Oh my god Liz, you more than like him don’t you?”

  “I’m seeing him tonight. So you’ve had plenty of notice if I’m not home by midnight, fairy godmother.”

  “Liz, take it from a seasoned pro. Just because he’s rich and hasn’t took advantage, it doesn’t mean he’s perfect,” she counsels. “Be prepared for it, that’s all I’m saying. He swims in a bigger bowl than us.” She squeezes my cheeks, then heads toward her room. “You’re too good for him. He’ll take what he wants, that’s what guys like him do.” Her lips purse. “And when he’s done with you, he’ll toss you out.” She goes into her room.

  “Yeah, thanks for that Cate!”

  “Don’t mention it,” she yells. “Oh, and call Nathan.”

  “Not a chance,” I mumble to myself.

  I close the door to the bathroom while the bathtub fills, and glance at my reflection in thought. Maybe this is a mistake, and Cate is right. Mr Knight is from a different world and we are incompatible. He clearly thinks my dress sense is unfitting. He’s picked me out some fancy togs at McQueen’s, already showing he has a dominant nature.

  I slip down into the hot water and sigh, trying to relax as memories of that kiss overwhelm me. It wasn’t a normal kiss. It was otherworldly. I’ve had a taste of him and don’t think I could possibly ever go without more. He has made too much effort for this to be just some future one-night stand thing. Cate has been hurt in the past. That’s why she is thick-skinned, and is always on guard. Besides, would a one-night stand be so bad with Mr Knight? I think not.

  I’m clean, sweet smelling, and my hair is knot free. I have a little concealer and blusher on my cheeks, along with a tiny sliver of eyeliner on my bottom lids. I opted for a light lip-gloss because I think Mr Knight prefers the more natural look. And underwear: lilac and cream lace briefs with matching bra. I doubt very much that Mr Knight would have picked out my under garments for the evening. So I will take my black bra in my bag, and swap accordingly with whatever outfit I wear.

  My phone vibrates beside my lamp. It’s five-thirty. It could be Mr Knight checking on my status. With zest, I excitedly glance at the screen. Oh crap, it’s Nathan. I screw my eyes up tight and grunt as it continues to ring. He won’t give up, not until he’s had his say, and I need this line open for calls. I blow out and stab the green tab on the screen.

  “Hello Nathan,” I grumble.

  “Oh, hello Liz,” he says in a condescending tone. “Nice to hear from you, seeing as you couldn’t let me know you’re safe, and I had to hear it third party.”

  I take an angry breath. “Yes Nathan, is that all?”

  “No it’s not,” he yaps, making me move the phone away from my ear. “Why didn’t you call me this morning?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I must be mistaken, because I thought slutty Sara explained everything to you,” I sarcastically say. “Forgive me for not telling you about everything and everyone I’m doing.”

  “I fuckin knew it. So you and Mr Prick had fun then!”

  “Yes, we did.” I wish I could punch him right through this phone. “And I’ll be sure to give Sara your regards when I see him again tonight.” I go to hang-up and hear him yelling.

  I push end call as I pace my room. I’m so pissed-off with him. He still thinks he has a hold on me, just because I haven’t slept with anyone other than him. Does he actually think I’m waiting for him to screw every girl in the city? Oh, good old Liz, she’ll be there when I’m done, a good little house wife. God, he’s such a sexist, arrogant, asshole.

  My phone vibrates in my hand, and in a blind fury I stab the screen. “Fuck-off Nathan!”

  “Miss Lovell.”

  Oh god-oh god-oh god. I keel over, holding my breath. It’s Mr Knight. I puff out a breath slowly, bringing my phone back up to my ear, cringing like I’ve never cringed before.

  I cough. “Mr Knight.”

  “Elizabeth, Sara is waiting for you downstairs.” He hangs-up without another word.

  I squeeze my hand into a fist and growl, tempted to throw my phone through the window. I bet no one has ever told him to fuck-off before. Real smooth work there, Liz.

  I DASH DOWN THE LOBBY stairs and see Sara parked up outside in the Land Rover. I opt to jump into the back. She doesn’t even look at me, and as soon as I close the door she indicates and steers out on to the road. I flick my view from window to driver’s seat, warily. She’s wearing her black waitress uniform for The Mill, and doesn’t look impressed to be my chauffeur.

  “You working tonight Sara?” Her eyes scold me through the rear-view mirror. “At The Mill.” I just had to continue didn’t I. She obviously doesn’t want to talk to me.

  “As you can see,” she replies, sharply.

  “So, you and Nathan, how’s that working out for you?” In his mood on the phone, not very well I’m guessing.

  “Okay,” she sighs. “Let’s cut out the awkward talk.” She swerves left and pulls up to the curb, flicking on the hazard lights. “I’ve worked for Mr Knight for a long time.” She scowls over the headrest. “Girls like you throw themselves at him all the time, but for some reason he thinks you’re different.”

  She hates me. She’s making me feel like I’m only after one thing. His money.

  “Until you can be trusted, don’t presume that you and I will be friends.” She turns and pulls back out onto the road.

  I sink into the seat, sloping out of her eye-line.

  We arrive at McQueen’s. There is not one single customer in the shop. Sara goes through the door first, whereas I plod my way in, scared I might be accused of shoplifting, or be arrested by the fashion police because I’m wearing Primark jeans, and cheap pumps.

  She strides in her smaller than usual heels to the glass counter. A man, very smartly dressed in a black suit with red tartan cuffs, and curly black hair, grins politely.

  “Mr Knight has a dressing room reserved,” Sara says.

  “Follow me.” The man comes out from behind the counter.

  I linger behind them, walking shyly down the thick cream carpet of a bright white hallway. The man opens a silver studded door at the very end. Sara enters but I freeze up, feeling out of place. The man goes to pass by me on his way back into the shop, then stops.

  “Go on then sweetie. We all have to start somewhere.” He smiles, looking down at my pumps, clearly referring to my first lesson in what not to wear.

  I apprehensively enter the dressing room. I’m used to the tiny dressing rooms. The ones in which you have to fight with a curtain so all and sundry don’t witness you hopping around madly in your jeans. This room is big. Bigger than my bedroom. There’s a classy peach chaise longue chair and an oval frosted glass table. And against the far wall there’s a three-way mirror, which goes from floor to ceiling so you can see all angles.

  Sara sits down on the chaise longue and crosses her legs dramatically. This is clearly tedious for her, having to babysit me.

  “Go choose a dress then.” She nods her head toward a rail full of outfits.

  This is so difficult and strange. I don’t want to choose a dress. I’m not interested in Mr Knight’s money, and that’s exactly how this appears. I have my own mind and I’ve made a huge mistake going along with this. No wonder Sara thinks I’m some money grabbing slut. I’ve lost my self-dignity. Just tossed it aside all because of that kiss. It has knock me for six and messed with my common-sense. I should have refused. If he wants me, he can take me the way I am.

  Sara exhales angrily, looking over the gold gilded edge of the chair. “We have thirty minutes. Mr Knight does not like tardiness.”

  Liz, as Nathan would say, man-up and tell her.

  “I’m sorry you’ve had to drag me here, but
I’m not going to pick one of those dresses.”

  She pouts, turning swiftly in her seat. “Mr Knight specified that this is a must to you, did he not?”

  I gulp, watching her twitch like she’s about to leap up and claw my eyes out.

  “Here’s how I see it. You don’t like me because you think this is about his money. Maybe he does too. Feels he has to do this,” I explain quickly before my bravery fades away. “But really, it isn’t necessary.”

  She dips her head, grumbles, and stands up. I take a step back, fearful of what her next move will be. She storms across to the clothes rail and starts to aggressively slide the dresses apart, uttering to herself.

  “I’m all for women’s liberation.” She huffs and puffs. “But you go dressed like that, or in some cheap body-con dress made by some poor kids in a foreign country, then you’re out of your mind.” She flusters and fusses, pulling out a black and white dress. “Here, try this on. It’s you all over.” She swings the hanger on her finger.

  It’s a nice dress. A black thigh-length number with white panels over each hip. But no, I will not sell myself short.

  “No. I’m sorry. But if Mr Knight wants me there, he shouldn’t care how I look.”

  I boldly stride down the hall, smiling at the pleasant man behind the counter on my way out. If I’ve blown it, then so be it. Maybe it will prove what sort of man he is anyhow, I tell myself.

  Chapter 9


  Sara parks up outside The Mill. There are no lasers casting light in the night sky, no people queuing, or security staff standing at the doors. The place looks closed for business.

  I step out into the fine winter rain, pulling up the collar of my green jacket. Sara quickly trots into the sheltered doorway, fiddling with a bunch of keys. I stand next to her, brushing the rain from my hair and readjusting my windswept fringe.

  She opens the doors into darkness and flicks on the lights. It looks so different, even bigger than I remember. I can see just how well the place has been renovated. It’s a hell of a lot cleaner and classier than the average nightclub here in London.